In education, we support socio-economic societies to help thousands of children across the region learn to read and attain essential life skills. In partnership with local CSO’s, we develop a series of case studies scrutinizing the extent to which early childhood development polices and services are effectively systematized, harmonised, and conveyed for orphans, elderly and illiterates by host local governments and the role of nationwide agencies in contributing to that process.
We work among communities to promote and support addressing the needs, desires and rights of youth, women, People with disabilities (PWDs) and other marginalized groups i.e. refugees in society. Our main purpose is to impact attitudes of government, implementing partners and media by promoting the need to focus on rights of citizens and communities to implement inclusive and to generate moments leading to achievement of implementation of sustainable Development Programmes (SDGs). By undertaking joint advocacy work to influence and campaign for change, we are committed to linking people to policy and best practice for a better education.
RTC believes that as civil society we are stronger if we work together, all our work depends on the active involvement of citizens and partners and our work is defined by what our members want to focus on.
As RTC, we also advocate for inclusive policies (across zones) that recognizes the rights of youth and women including PWDs as well as for migrant populations. We further support all processes that facilitate inclusive participation in planning and implementation of development programmes for universal progressive landscape and local country application.
We employ six (6) active thematic groups working on;